Fall of the House of Usher (Fall 2023) Assisted in Production of Raven Animation & VFX across several episodes with Zoic. Animation done in Maya, Comped in Nuke (Example :11 seconds); Text & Edit completed by Client.
BOSCH Dishwasher Animation (Spring 2022/23) Produced VFX for corportate video/commercial animation for Bosch with Zoic; leading team of artists using animation in Maya with Comping in Flame. CG Footage created by Zoic (:08-15 seconds); Text & Edit completed by Client.
Resident Evil 4 Remake “Reveal Trailer”/Cutscenes (Spring 2022/23) Produced VFX for trailer footage & cutscenes for Capcom with Zoic; leading team of artists using CG Face Replacement over live action. Footage directed by Zoic (:43-45 seconds); Game Capture and Edit completed by Client.
Caroline Panthers “Mixed Reality” Camera Takover (Fall 2021) Produced Realtime VFX of several in-game camera takeovers for NFL Client with Zoic; Delivered as Unreal Level w/ Panther Animation prompts baked in. Viral hit during home opener in early weeks of 2021 NFL season. Techniques also applied for PGA Clients for the iconic green on 17 at TPC Sawgrass (https://rb.gy/fkouca)
2020 Supra ‘Rear Diff Explosion’ Brochure image (Summer 2019) - Personal highlight of 2020 Toyota GR Supra launch campaign. Produced all in-house 3D generated imagery and upcoming animation on Toyota.com for #WEARESAATCHI.
2018/2019 Toyota Mirai “How-it-Works” (Spring 2018) Animation - Rendered animation for "How-it-Works" feature highlight section of Toyota website, produced on behalf of #WEARESAATCHI. Text and graphics overlay added on-site.
Help Wanted (December 2013) - The first pilot length short film by Christian Wright and co-written, directed and edited by David Weilert. The humorous adventure follows two young men on a journey to recover a stolen piece of technology.
Subject 8 (January 2013) - An After Effects & Blender technical demo turned short film, this piece follows a young Heroine as she escapes from a medical facility with new-found superhuman abilities. Written, shot and edited to completion by a crew of 10 students in 10 working days.
The American Frontier (December 2012) - A combined Abode Photoshop and After Effects project, this piece explores high resolution photographs to create a "Ken Burns effect" in 2.5 dimensions
The rest of Christian's work can be viewed on his YouTube page