Cool Title Right?
Fun Fact: this is not the forth post of this blog.
Anyway, I figured it was about time to officially update everyone on the things that have been happening over the past month and a half. A lot has changed in a really short amount of time, and your man needs some reflection, so here we go:
Post Thanksgiving and December was one very hard lesson after another for me.
The biggest one being about prioritizing my time; Basically I had ended up putting off a big chunk of work until the last leg of post, and ended up working much harder than I should have been up until the last minute. It was like a simulation of college in real life. Never. Again.
Don't put off for months what you can do today, gang.
I got through it fine, and am hopefully a more professional worker because of it. There were just there was a lot of late nights at the office, and wonton soup.
Overall: I had such a great experience working on this season of 'Millionaire'. I've learned a lot about the way a show runs, and have made some great relationships I hope to keep in touch with over the course of my career. I was so lucky to get this opportunity last summer, and glad I rolled the dice, and took my chances out in Connecticut.
The new job kind of added to my end of/new year rush, as I started the Monday after Christmas. I had two weeks of full time training, days and nights. So its only been the past week or so I feel I've really gotten to settle into my apartment, and take a few walks. You know, smell the roses.
This post started out really negative, but things have been going so well lately, and I've finally taken the time to appreciate the little things like cooking for myself again, or doing laundry, and hitting an random comedy shows.
Its when I do stuff like that, that it hit me that this wasn't a vacation. I'm here for reals now, living in the city limits of the New York City. More or less living a dream I've had since high school.
I don't mind saying thats pretty cool.
Till next time