Welcome to the site!

Hey everyone out there,

It's Christian, just running a little test post for the blog. I hope you like the look of the site! I like to think it's clean, simple, and straightforward, just the way I like things.

This is where I'll be updating you all on the happenings of my professional life, as well as where I'll post a copy any of my published works. I have a lot of scripts, and a few fiction pieces I could post, but they're a little messy, unfocused, or not polished enough for me to share yet. I can't wait to get back into writing a bit more for recreation once graduation is over. Of course a little more-so with comedy than anything else, but I have a few think-pieces left in me.

Other news:

-Big interview adventure coming up on Friday. I'll write about that adventure in my next post.

-While I'm gone I'll have people shooting the "Portopia" concert event back at school featuring Wale, 21 Pilots, Caked-Up and Thick as Thieves. At the same time, I'll be at Iona College filming Ryan Leslie ('Concert Reel' update coming soon!)

-My final show as producer of "Almost Television" is this week. It has been a rocky finish but I'm so happy with my team and can't wait to see how things shake out. 


Stay tuned!